Simple Introduction to Concepts of Biology

Biology is the subject which deals with the ecosystem and the mechanism of all living organisms on this planet. The syllabus for Biology Class 7 is complex to understand since the level of education rises a step higher to detailed and in-depth knowledge about the subject. Studying Biology helps students learn to make more informed decisions about their own health and about current Biological and environmental issues such as genetically modified crops, the use of antibiotics, and the eradication of invasive species. Biology helps students to recognise the importance of agriculture and horticulture for India, and, potentially, to contribute to its future. By studying biology, students become much more aware of ecological issues and better able to debate situations where exploitation of the environment clashes with conservation objectives, where we need to develop more sustainable ways of using our natural resources like soil, land, or water. Biology has a lot of branches in itself and it can be divided into a great many sub-disciplines such as genetics, physiology, microbiology, botany, zoology, neurobiology, immunology, ethology, marine biology, ecology, biochemistry, forestry, fisheries, evolutionary biology, pathology, forensics, and palaeontology just to name a few of the subjects. The basics need to be clear in order to pursue Biology further. Extramarks helps you with the syllabus of Biology Class 7 ICSE with illustrations, explanations to all the difficult concepts of this subject, online interactive tutorials, and a lot more. It personalises your learning experience in a way that suits your learning needs and helps you discover the subject.
